March 2018: The 27th Annual Market Research seminar was held in New Delhi on 19th & 20th February. The event featured distinguished speakers, industry professionals, brand leaders and young professionals not only from the market research fraternity but even from the corporate world!
Fourth time the daylong event witnessed more than over 350 delegates attending the seminar, having 100+ organizations representing out of which 80 were research user organizations. Discussion revolves around ‘Business Impact through Insights – Get your skin into the game!’, ‘Top trends in Global Insights’ and ‘Digital World’. Event started with an admirable key note presentation by Deepika Warrier ( VP at PepsiCo India), Manish Makhijani (Head CMI at Hindustan Unilever) and Sanjay Tripathy (Cofounder & CEO at Agilio). ESOMAR landscape session which was presented by two international speakers received great feedback from delegates.
On the occasion, Pravin Shekar (President of MRSI) said “Market Research today is poised at the cusp of phenomenal growth. Today we are proud to say that the bulk of the people that are in MRSI conference have the ownership thinking that is exactly the way we have to lead. All through these years, India has been at the forefront of the market research exporting researcher. Well now we will be exporting whole lot of talent on the data scientist, data syntheses front because frankly it is dividing between qualitative and quantitative continues to be blurring but at end of the day it is business throw insight.”
The serene of the MRSI Annual Seminar was highly appreciated by everyone. For the ones who couldn’t present at the event 27th Annual Market Research Seminar was also streamed live with the help of the live streaming partner 24 Frames Digital and received more than 1000 unique views over two days. The event ended up with rocking MR Rock’s, where all the delegates were delighted by the performances of musicians from the MR, Insights & advertising/digital industry.
Market Research Society of India (MRSI), a unique non-profit autonomous market research body formed by a large fraternity of research suppliers and users spread across India. Established in January 1988, the MRSI is at the forefront of maintaining standards of excellence in the market research industry. It is a proactive, dynamic and neutral society, continually striving to improve the professional standards of market research in India.