India-Press-Release Network enjoys extensive access to the Media points across the globe. Our Media Database is a living list which is constantly being updated.
Successful and most visible businesses not only communicate with prospects and customers but also spend significant time, energy, resources in inculcating long standing one to one relationships with media.
The goal of a media interaction is to enable a personalised interface between an Industry Expert / Senior Level Corporate Professional who would like to discuss and share his /her insights of the business, domain knowledge, analyze and comment on past, current and future trends.
IPR seeks a valid subject of interest for organising suitable media meetings.
India–Press-Release network helps you in identifying the right media for your message, creates an environment ready for a viable media interaction.
Our media relations activities range from interview arrangements, to op-ed placements, to press conferences, to TV and radio show participation, to promoting official visits abroad.
IPR also has the capability to respond quickly to negative media coverage.
Industry professionals use media interactions to communicate and reiterate the right perspective while making an important announcement. This helps in achieving the desired news value and inturn helps in gaining coverage in newspapers, magazines, websites, blogs and on TV news broadcasts. Reasons to hold a media meeting includes:
Additionally press conferences offer several advantages, such as the ability to reach all media outlets at the same time while controlling the message. A press conference also can build excitement or anticipation about an event.
Do write to us at for more information.