The ability to learn is one of the most important skills we have.What if we could substantially improve it with a simple, customized, scientific methodology?This is the objective of this book.

Scientific Studying: Substantially Increasing Your Learning Power Through Scientific Experiments is a groundbreaking book in the field of education and continuous improvement.

Published On: 2014-11-13

November 13,2014,MONTREAL,CANADA-The ability to learn is one of the most important skills we have.What if we could substantially improve it with a simple,customized, scientific methodology? This is the objective of this book.

“Scientific Studying: Substantially Increasing Your Learning Power Through Scientific Experiments” (ISBN 1466485205) by Marco Pasteris and Stanca Somesfalean targets the importance of education and continuous improvement by creating studying methods different individuals will migrate to. Written for students,educators,executives and managers everywhere in the world,Pasteris and Somesfalean aim to increase learning power through an alternative studying methodology.

The way one studies is often the result of a number of inputs learned unconsciously and applied mechanically since early childhood.Through personal observation, a student often emulates the way an older sibling or classmate studies.Are these “traditional” study methodologies optimal? Unfortunately, they generally involve a high level of waste of intellectual resources. This waste can be reduced or eliminated by employing studying techniques developed through scientific experiments.

After conducting experiments,Marco Pasteris MBA and Stanca Somesfalean PhD proved that through the application of Scientific Studying it is possible to achieve an increase in learning power by 50 percent in only a few months.

The chapters in this book describe the underlying philosophy of Scientific Studying and most importantly,provide concrete examples of its application.Subsequently,readers will easily acquire all they need to apply Scientific Studying and improve         their learning skills through a self-designed and self-administered series of scientific experiments. 

Students from middle school to graduate level as well as teachers,university professors,parents,researchers,executives,and managers will find this ground-breaking book invaluable,motivating, and extremely easy to use.


“Scientific Studying: Substantially Increasing Your Learning Power Through Scientific Experiments” is available in India for sale online at both paper and kindle versions, as well as other channels. 



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In order to find the optimal methodology,the individual is at the same time the object of the experiment and the architect of the experiment Pasteris says.
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